Leigha Sighting!!!!!
The Fringe doesn't feel like it has officially began until two things happen:
- The first sighting of the "Hippie Couple." I have reasons to believe that of the Fringe ultrapass fanatics, everyone knows this couple (and I secretly fear that everyone at one point knew me as 1/2 of that asian-boy and non-minnesotan-white-chick couple. The Hippie Couple know me in this way. And I feel as if I should carry around a poster sized image of my stuck-working-in-New-York-and-can't-Fringe-in-Minneapolis-this-year Asian boyfriend, just so I'll stick out just a bit in the fringing crowd. Of course, maybe I should stop outing myself and continue to be a member of the slightly anonymous masses.) although being sweet Minnesotans they never really talk to the hippie couple.... The Fringe has officially begun when I share a show with them, and compare notes about the crap and the wonderful.
- The first sighting of Leigha *squee*. This hadn't actually happened until last night (Monday) ....
Of course after I booked my ticket out to Minneapolis the Fringe schedule comes out telling me the horrible truth that I was going to be trapped inside of a metal box of stale air in the sky, whilst the MoCW's show was on stage. booooh. I was a little heartbroken (especially as one of Leigha's squeeing fans) that I wasn't going to be able to see her until her Wednesday show, which is a rather cruel fate.
This is the place where the Theatre gods smile at me, and I find myself standing in a line on Monday to pick up tickets and *gasp* Leigha Horton is right behind me. Of course being the ultra squeeeing fangirl dork, I'm too star struck to actually say a word. I have two major fears which cause me to hold my tongue:
- If I said anything it would be difficult to keep from making a fool out of myself and girlishly squeeing aloud. (I wonder how strange it would be for someone like her to have a gushing babbling fan. I know film actors have crazy legions of fans, but do local stage actors have star-struck fans?)
- I fear that my crush on Leigha is on the actress and not the actual person... as if maybe "Leigha the real person" does not match up with the intelligent Leigha the person that I've derived from her involvement with MoCW. In my rosy version of Leigha, what would happen if it was discovered that she was a heavy smoker or only a blank canvas that expresses the words written by someone else? For fear of the disappointment, I'll continue to believe my little version of her.....
Hmmmm, I feel like I really need to complete this post and go to sleep, as the lateness of the hour + my desire to fill an entire post with just squeeeee = an extended ramble that was derailed from the beginning that perhaps I shouldn't post. Should the Leigha sightings be a dodgeball-style post from my cell phone, and thus immediately alert the world that she is at this specific theatre right now? (People do do this with other celebs.... But I'm unsure how interesting that would be on a blog and also fear it would sound rather stalkerish, if I'd report that Leigha was spotted in aisle 9 of Uptown Lunds.) If I had a camera phone would it even be appropriate to covertly snap pictures (ugh, that sounds creepy)? Or should I swoon and turn into a puddle? Honestly, I should just go to sleep...
At 8:30 AM,
K said…
Ah, but I do disappoint myself when I've talked to her as I realize my mind has formed a puddle somewhere around my shoes.
May I ask, how do you know Leigha?
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